Call to Action! Organize a Holiday Care Package Drive!

For many of our brothers and sisters behind the walls, the holidays can be a difficult time. Separated from home and loved ones, our friends rely on the support and care they receive from beyond the walls to remind them that they are valued and cherished. One of the simplest yet most effective ways to provide this care is through the Thrive For Life care package drive ministry. Each year, we rely on the generosity of our many community members to gather supplies and items for our brothers and sisters who will spend the holidays in jail or prison. Now more than ever, these packages will bring folks joy as they continue to live through the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

If you are interested in hosting a supply drive for your school, company, or organization, please refer below to the list of items to gather. Many successful drives adhere to similar models of canned food and clothing drives. All items donated will go to folks behind the walls and to those coming home from jail and prison. 

Should you have any questions about setting up an event like this, please contact A member of our team would be happy to answer any questions you may have and support you in your endeavor. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! 


December Community Newsletter


Thrive For Life Celebrates New Community Car for Work Behind the Walls