Thrive For Life Hosts St. Louis University Campus Ministry for a Transformative Immersion Trip to NYC!
Earlier this spring, Thrive For Life had the pleasure of hosting students from St. Louis University Campus Ministry on a social justice-focused immersion trip to New York City. This journey was rooted in the pillars of Community, Spirituality, Justice, and Solidarity, offering participants a deep dive into the realities and efforts surrounding criminal justice reform. We are thrilled to share highlights from our memorable experience with these students at Abraham House.
Our week began with an in-depth exploration of Thrive for Life's operations, guided by our dedicated staff and residents. Students attended sessions covering the care team, educational programs, and the complexities of running a nonprofit. They gained insights into life at our two houses, Ignacio and Abraham House. The day concluded with a collaborative brainstorming session, where the group developed service projects for Abraham House, followed by a reflective dinner with its residents.
The second day was marked by an educational visit to the New York University Prison Education Program. Here, we learned about the crucial role of education in aiding re-entry into society. In the afternoon, we explored the Catholic Worker’s radical solidarity efforts in the Lower East Side. The day ended with a profound discussion on Riker’s Prep led by Brother Luke, enriching our understanding of educational support for incarcerated individuals.
Our visiting students visited Rikers Island with Father Zach Presutti SJ. This impactful day was spent ministering to our brothers at Rikers, providing both a humbling and enlightening experience. The evening offered a chance to decompress and reflect through an Examen with Father Zach, allowing everyone to process the day’s experiences.
We toured the Fortune Society, where we learned about their essential re-entry services for formerly incarcerated individuals. The evening was filled with meaningful conversations and shared stories over dinner with the Abraham House community, deepening our sense of connection and understanding.
The day focused on restorative justice, starting with a workshop led by the Center for Community Alternatives. The afternoon allowed for free exploration of New York City, and we ended the day with a wellness event at Carnegie Hall. The evening concluded with a Q&A session and dinner with Father Zach, providing an opportunity to unpack the week’s experiences and reflect on our journey.
Hosting the students from SLU’s Campus Ministry was an absolute pleasure. Throughout this immersive week, our group gained invaluable insights into social justice issues and fostered a profound sense of community and solidarity. This experience not only enlightened us about the challenges faced by the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated but also inspired us to continue our collective efforts toward justice and support.