Catholic Picnic for the Women at Taconic

On August 26th, Fr. Zach and Jesuit scholastics will visit Taconic Correctional Facility for Catholic Day. After more than two years, due to the pandemic, Deacon Cliff Calanni, Catholic chaplain at Taconic, has been able to organize this special day for our sisters behind prison walls. Catholic Day will start with a morning prayer, coffee and muffins. Throughout the morning, all attendees will have time to get to know each other and participate in recreation and other activities. In the meantime, the yard will be filled with the aroma of sausages and burger patties to make sure all appetites are ready for lunch. Before lunch, Fr. Zach will guide all attendees by conducting an Ignatian Examen, bringing all together in prayer, a full expression of our common dignity as beloved children of God.

We are very excited for this upcoming event that marks one of the first congregant gatherings behind the walls since the start of the pandemic. We look forward to enjoying the day with our sisters at Taconic in hopes of forging strong relationships and building community. As the public health situation improves, we look forward to returning to our retreat programming at Taconic and other facilities throughout New York and New Jersey. 


September Newsletter


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